भागवत कथा देवताओं को स्वर्ग में भी दुर्लभ है – वर्षा पाठक

भुवन वर्मा, बिलासपुर 15 फरवरी 2020
जाँजगीर चाँपा ( मुनुन्द) — श्रीमद्भागवत समस्त वेदों और शास्त्रों का सार है। जब अनेकों जन्मों का पुण्योदय होता है तब हमें श्रीमद्भागवत कथा सुनने का अवसर मिलता है। यह कथा देवताओं को स्वर्ग में भी दुर्लभ है। इसलिये कथा शुरु होने से पहले उन्होंने अमृत के घड़े के बदले में उन्हें श्रीमद्भागवत कथा सुनने की इच्छा जतायी थी।
श्री मद्भागवत महापुराण की उक्त पावन कथा आज समीपस्थ ग्राम मुनुन्द में नारायणरत्न चाँपा निवासी व्यासपीठ सुश्री वर्षा पाठक जी ने आज प्रथम दिवस सुनायी। भागवत महात्म्य कथा के अंतर्गत उन्होंने भक्ति एवं नारद संवाद विषय का वर्णन करते हुये आगे कहा भक्ति महारानी के दोनो पुत्र ज्ञान और वैराग्य जब वृँदावन में बेसुध पड़े थे तब वहाँ से गुजरते हुये नारद जी ने उनको समस्त शास्त्रों को सुनाया फिर भी उन्हें होश नही आया। और जब उनको श्रीमद्भागवत की कथा सुनायी गयी तब स्वयं भक्ति महारानी अपने दोनो पुत्रों ज्ञान और वैराग्य के साथ हरिर्नाम संकीर्तन करने लग गयी। कथा वाचिका ने आगे कहा कि जब मनुष्य के जीवन मे दुख आता है और वह जीवन जीने की आशा छोड़ देता है तब भागवत की कथा मनुष्य को राह दिखाती है। जिस प्रकार ग्रीष्म काल के बाद वर्षा ऋतु के आगमन पर पूरी पृथ्वी हरी भरी हो जाती है, सूखे हुये पेड़ो में नये पत्ते निकलने लगते है, फूल खिलने लगते हैं उसी प्रकार (वर्षा ऋतु रघुपति प्रिय भगति) श्री कृष्ण और राम नाम की वर्षा से मानव जीवन की व्यथा, मानव जीवन का कष्ट समाप्त हो जाता है। तत्पश्चात ग्रामवासियों को आगे धुंधुकारी की कथा श्रवण कराते हुये उन्होंनें बताया कि,(धुंधुम कलहम कार्याति इति धुन्धकारिहि ) जो कलह करे, निंदनीय और धृणित कार्य करे, दुषरो को कष्ट दे वास्तव में वही धुन्धकारी है। अगर ये कार्य मनुष्य करने लगे तो समझ जाना हमारे अन्दर धुन्धकारी प्रवेश कर चुका है और इसे समाप्त करने ने लिये श्री कृष्ण नाम संकीर्तन की धारा अपने जीवन मे प्रवाहित कर लेने में ही जीव का कल्याण संभव है।
इसके पहले धर्म जागरण मंच एवं समस्त ग्रामवासी मुनुन्द के सहयोग से आयोजित श्रीमद्भागवत कथा का शुभारंभ आज भव्य कलश यात्रा के साथ हुआ। कलश यात्रा में सैकड़ों महिलायें सज धजकर सिर पर कलश धारण कर मंगल गीत गाती हुई पूरे गाँव की भ्रमण की। ग्रामवासियों ने जगह जगह कलश यात्रा का पुष्प वर्षा कर स्वागत किया। कलश यात्रा के कथा स्थल पहुँचने पर मुख्य यजमानों ने श्रीमद्भागवत की आरती उतारी। कल से कथा प्रतिदिन दोपहर 02:00 बजे से हरि इच्छा तक चलेगी।
अरविन्द तिवारी की रपट
About The Author

The quest for glory starts here – Join now! Lucky cola
Satirical journalism is the art of making people laugh before they realize they should be crying. – spintaxi.com
I love how “dry cleaning” leaves my shirts damp. — spintaxi.com
I love how “eco-friendly” bags rip the second you touch them. — spintaxi.com
My ex says I’m selfish; I say, “You got the house, what’s left?” — spintaxi.com
(White) I hit the highway—traffic says, “Not today, cowboy.” — spintaxi.com
Satirical Journalism Perspective – spintaxi.com
The best thing about satirical journalism news? It doesn’t take itself seriously, unlike real news. – spintaxi.com
I got a speeding ticket—cop said I was reckless, I said, “Nah, just late.” — spintaxi.com
I don’t always read analysis, but when I do, it’s satirical journalism. — spintaxi.com
I read satirical journalism humor so I don’t have to cry about real news. — spintaxi.com
Why do socks disappear in the dryer but never the ones you hate? — spintaxi.com
Satirical Journalism Examples – spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) What’s the deal with “happy hour”? I’m still miserable! — spintaxi.com
The best thing about satirical journalism news? It doesn’t take itself seriously, unlike real news. – spintaxi.com
Satirical Journalism Publications – spintaxi.com
My ex says I’m a slob; I say, “Art’s messy, babe.” — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism media is the only reason I still pay attention to current events. — spintaxi.com
Why do they put “serves 4” on a pizza box? Who’s eating one slice? — spintaxi.com
I don’t know what’s scarier—satirical journalism news or the fact that it’s usually accurate. – spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) I don’t get “fast pace”—I’m winded! — spintaxi.com
(White) I tipped big—waitress says, “Keep it comin’.” — spintaxi.com
If a satirical journalism website makes politicians angry, you know they’re doing something right. – spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Ever notice how “quick start” takes forever? — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) I love how “fresh scent” smells like chemicals. — spintaxi.com
If you can’t tell satirical journalism today apart from real journalism, that’s not satire’s fault. – spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism humor is like a vaccine against taking life too seriously. — spintaxi.com
People say I’m wired; I say, “Coffee’s my co-pilot.” — spintaxi.com
I love how “out of order” signs feel like the machine’s personal apology. — spintaxi.com
If you want to understand politics, watch satirical journalism media, not the debates. — spintaxi.com
Satirical Journalism Headlines – spintaxi.com
My lawyer says I’m a flight risk; I say, “Only if the bar’s across state lines.” — spintaxi.com
Some satirical journalism examples are so accurate that they age better than actual news articles. – spintaxi.com
Some satirical journalism stories have better plot twists than Hollywood movies. — spintaxi.com
Ever try to return something without a receipt? It’s like confessing to a crime you didn’t commit. — spintaxi.com
What’s the deal with “no delivery”? I’m starving! — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism – spintaxi.com
What’s the deal with “no signal”? My TV’s sulking! — spintaxi.com
Without satirical journalism humor, how would we keep track of government scandals? — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Ever try to use a “promo code”? It’s expired already! — spintaxi.com
I’d rather read satirical journalism stories than watch another pointless election debate. — spintaxi.com
Ever notice how “free shipping” costs you $50 to qualify? — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism news is what happens when comedians get tired of watching the world burn. – spintaxi.com
Satirical Journalism Writing – spintaxi.com
I don’t get “pet-free”—my dog’s my roommate. — spintaxi.com
Why do they call it a “smartphone” when I’m still arguing with it about autocorrect? — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism today proves we live in a world where parody and reality are best friends. – spintaxi.com
I read satirical journalism stories and wonder if I accidentally traveled to the future. — spintaxi.com
I love how “healthy snacks” taste like punishment in a bag. — spintaxi.com
If real news had more satirical journalism humor, maybe we’d all be less miserable. — spintaxi.com
They say I’m too loud; I say, “Turn down your hearin’.” — spintaxi.com
(White) I patched my roof—now it’s rainin’ inside. — spintaxi.com
If satirical journalism media didn’t exist, how would we explain world events? — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism humor is the last respectable profession in media. — spintaxi.com
I wish satirical journalism articles weren’t so painfully accurate. – spintaxi.com
I used to think satirical journalism examples were exaggerated—then I started paying attention. – spintaxi.com
Ever notice how “fresh produce” looks like it’s been on a road trip? — spintaxi.com
The best part about satirical journalism news? It doesn’t pretend to be unbiased. – spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Ever try to use a “public Wi-Fi”? It’s a tease! — spintaxi.com
They say cigars are bad; I say, “Good, I’m still breathin’.” — spintaxi.com
Mixed Seinfeld and White (Alternating Styles) — spintaxi.com
People say I’m old-fashioned; I say, “Yeah, cause new sucks.” — spintaxi.com
People ask why I’m single; I say, “Cause I don’t negotiate with crazy.” — spintaxi.com
Some people say the world is a joke. Satirical journalism humor just proves it. — spintaxi.com
Every major event should have a satirical journalism website covering it. – spintaxi.com
I trust satirical journalism more than I trust my GPS. – spintaxi.com
(White) My flashlight’s out—guess I’m trippin’ in the dark. — spintaxi.com
I got a smart TV—now it’s judgin’ me for watchin’ reruns of “Cops.” — spintaxi.com
I’d take satirical journalism analysis over a think tank report any day. — spintaxi.com
I don’t understand “travel size”—is my toothpaste going on vacation? — spintaxi.com
I read satirical journalism today, and now I’m questioning my entire worldview. – spintaxi.com
I don’t get “low maintenance”—my car’s begging for oil! — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) I don’t get “two-factor authentication”—am I a spy now? — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Why do they call it a “soft landing”? I’m bruised! — spintaxi.com
(White) I signed up for a gym—now I’m bench-pressin’ beers. — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism analysis is what happens when logic meets sarcasm. — spintaxi.com
Ever try to return something without a receipt? It’s like confessing to a crime you didn’t commit. — spintaxi.com
Ever notice how elevators have a “close door” button that’s just there to mock you? — spintaxi.com
(White) I got a pass—bouncer says, “Not tonight.” — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) What’s with “no admittance”? I’m already inside! — spintaxi.com
I trust satirical journalism news more than a politician’s Twitter account. – spintaxi.com
If satirical journalism today stopped existing, we’d have no choice but to take life seriously. – spintaxi.com
Ever notice how “express lanes” are just regular lanes with better PR? — spintaxi.com
I got a speeding ticket—cop said I was reckless, I said, “Nah, just late.” — spintaxi.com
My doctor told me to cut back on cigars; I told him to cut back on bad news. — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism is like the spice rack of news—too much, and people start sweating. – spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Why do they call it a “soft sell”? I’m sold! — spintaxi.com
What’s with “two-day shipping”? It’s day three, and I’m still staring at the mailbox! — spintaxi.com
I don’t trust “smart homes”—my toaster’s plottin’ a coup. — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Ever try to use a “promo code”? It’s expired already! — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Ever try to use a “freebie”? It’s junk! — spintaxi.com
Ever try to use a coupon that expired yesterday? It’s like money mocking you. — spintaxi.com
Why do socks disappear in the dryer but never the ones you hate? — spintaxi.com
(White) My wife says I’m wasteful; I say, “Darlin’, this beer’s recyclable.” — spintaxi.com
I love how “weather forecasts” are just guesses with fancy graphics. — spintaxi.com
Some satirical journalism examples are so accurate that they age better than actual news articles. – spintaxi.com
They say cigars shorten your life; I say, “Good, less time with morons.” — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Why do they call it a “quick survey”? I’m still answering! — spintaxi.com
Ever notice how the “low fuel” light feels like your car’s passive-aggressive cry for help? — spintaxi.com
If a satirical journalism website makes politicians angry, you know they’re doing something right. – spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) What’s the deal with “single-use” plastics? My straw’s reusable! — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism analysis proves that comedy writers are smarter than politicians. — spintaxi.com
Ever try to set an alarm clock in a hotel? It’s like defusing a bomb. — spintaxi.com
Why do they call it a “smartwatch” when it keeps reminding me I’m late? — spintaxi.com
What’s the deal with “dry clean only”? My shirt’s afraid of water now? — spintaxi.com
The best satirical journalism media has better fact-checking than real news. — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism media is the only thing that makes sense in 2025.
I don’t understand “fine print”—it’s like they’re whispering bad news. — spintaxi.com
What’s with “no waiting”? I’ve been here 20 minutes! — spintaxi.com
I trust satirical journalism stories more than my horoscope. — spintaxi.com
Ever try to cancel a subscription? It’s like breaking up with a clingy robot. — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Why do they call it a “quick survey”? I’m still answering! — spintaxi.com
Ever notice how “fresh air” smells like exhaust downtown? — spintaxi.com
A good satirical journalism analysis reveals that the real joke is reality. — spintaxi.com
I trust satirical journalism analysis more than any government forecast. — spintaxi.com
Ever try to use a “discount code”? It’s a myth! — spintaxi.com
Why do they call it a “short wait”? I’m aging! — spintaxi.com
My dog’s smarter than me, but he still licks his own butt, so who’s winning? — spintaxi.com